GPS Coordinates of

Vadim Bora Studio-Gallery United States

Central address: 5000 Estate Enighed, Independence, KS 67301, USA

Elevation: 259.998
Time Zone: America/Chicago

Latitude: 37° 5' 24.864'' N
Longitude: 95° 42' 46.4076'' W

Vadim Bora Studio-Gallery, United States

The latitude of Vadim Bora Studio-Gallery is 37.090240, and the longitude is -95.712891. Vadim Bora Studio-Gallery is located in Asheville, United States with the gps coordinates of 37° 5' 24.864'' N and 95° 42' 46.4076'' W. The category of Vadim Bora Studio-Gallery is Art Galleries.

When you want to travel, you can view the local satellite map, book hotels and check shopping information near Vadim Bora Studio-Gallery in advance for your travel.

Art Galleries

Elevation259.998DMS Lat37° 5' 24.864'' N
DMS Lng95° 42' 46.4076'' WGeoHASH9yegjbpfrczex
UTM Zone15SUTM Easting258878.489217848
UTM Northing4108327.12378223Time ZoneAmerica/Chicago
CountryUnited StatesStateNorth Carolina (NC)

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