GPS Coordinates of

State Mutual Stadium United States

Central address: 755 Braves Blvd NE, Rome, GA 30161, USA

Elevation: 182.312
Time Zone: America/Chicago

Latitude: 34° 17' 8.8368'' N
Longitude: 85° 10' 2.1144'' W

State Mutual Stadium, United States

The latitude of State Mutual Stadium is 34.285788, and the longitude is -85.167254. State Mutual Stadium is located in Rome, United States with the gps coordinates of 34° 17' 8.8368'' N and 85° 10' 2.1144'' W. The category of State Mutual Stadium is Sports Complexes.

State Mutual Stadium has been the home of the Rome Braves of the South Atlantic League since its completion in April 2003. The facility seats 5,105 people.

When you want to travel, you can view the local satellite map, book hotels and check shopping information near State Mutual Stadium in advance for your travel.

Sports Complexes

Elevation182.312DMS Lat34° 17' 8.8368'' N
DMS Lng85° 10' 2.1144'' WGeoHASHdn57jcx15nheg
UTM Zone16SUTM Easting668692.173826961
UTM Northing3795364.70693421Time ZoneAmerica/Chicago
CountryUnited StatesStateGeorgia (GA)

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