GPS Coordinates of

Hurricane Barrier Harbor Walk United States

Central address: 396 County St, New Bedford, MA 02740, USA

Elevation: 22.441
Time Zone: America/New_York

Latitude: 41° 37' 49.6236'' N
Longitude: 70° 55' 42.3912'' W

Hurricane Barrier Harbor Walk, United States

The latitude of Hurricane Barrier Harbor Walk is 41.630451, and the longitude is -70.928442. Hurricane Barrier Harbor Walk is located in New Bedford, United States with the gps coordinates of 41° 37' 49.6236'' N and 70° 55' 42.3912'' W. The category of Hurricane Barrier Harbor Walk is Piers & Boardwalks.

When you want to travel, you can view the local satellite map, book hotels and check shopping information near Hurricane Barrier Harbor Walk in advance for your travel.

Piers & Boardwalks

Elevation22.441DMS Lat41° 37' 49.6236'' N
DMS Lng70° 55' 42.3912'' WGeoHASHdrmscfx6zw837
UTM Zone19TUTM Easting339366.847148936
UTM Northing4610543.04097825Time ZoneAmerica/New_York
CountryUnited StatesStateMassachusetts (MA)

Hotels in New Bedford

Shopping and Restaurants in New Bedford