GPS Coordinates of

Historical Society Museum United States

Central address: 678 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA

Elevation: 7.597
Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles

Latitude: 37° 47' 12.7428'' N
Longitude: 122° 24' 5.5584'' W

Historical Society Museum, United States

The latitude of Historical Society Museum is 37.786873, and the longitude is -122.401544. Historical Society Museum is located in Palm Desert, United States with the gps coordinates of 37° 47' 12.7428'' N and 122° 24' 5.5584'' W. The category of Historical Society Museum is History Museums.

The Prince Albert Historical Museum is operated by the Prince Albert Historical Society in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada. It exhibits the history of the area in the city's first firehall which was constructed in 1912 and served as such until 1975. On display are various First Nations artefacts, an old fire truck, a firemen's pole, and a Native Dugout Canoe (believed to be a thousand years old). The Prince Albert Historical Museum also houses the city's archives.

When you want to travel, you can view the local satellite map, book hotels and check shopping information near Historical Society Museum in advance for your travel.

History Museums

Elevation7.597DMS Lat37° 47' 12.7428'' N
DMS Lng122° 24' 5.5584'' WGeoHASH9q8yywvumr9tm
UTM Zone10SUTM Easting552695.131888487
UTM Northing4182336.86039823Time ZoneAmerica/Los_Angeles
CountryUnited StatesStateCalifornia (CA)

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