GPS Coordinates of

Blair County Historical Society United States

Central address: 411 Scotch Valley Rd, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648, USA

Elevation: 292.073
Time Zone: America/New_York

Latitude: 40° 26' 1.23'' N
Longitude: 78° 22' 43.9968'' W

Blair County Historical Society, United States

The latitude of Blair County Historical Society is 40.433675, and the longitude is -78.378888. Blair County Historical Society is located in Altoona, United States with the gps coordinates of 40° 26' 1.23'' N and 78° 22' 43.9968'' W. The category of Blair County Historical Society is History Museums.

When you want to travel, you can view the local satellite map, book hotels and check shopping information near Blair County Historical Society in advance for your travel.

History Museums

Elevation292.073DMS Lat40° 26' 1.23'' N
DMS Lng78° 22' 43.9968'' WGeoHASHdr0q02wppx34m
UTM Zone17TUTM Easting722327.783773578
UTM Northing4479192.7506377Time ZoneAmerica/New_York
CountryUnited StatesStatePennsylvania (PA)

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