GPS Coordinates of

Annapolis Royal Lighthouse Canada

Central address: 204-244 St George St, Annapolis Royal, NS B0S 1A0, Canada

Elevation: 5.823
Time Zone: America/Moncton

Latitude: 44° 44' 39.66'' N
Longitude: 65° 31' 11.8416'' W

Annapolis Royal Lighthouse, Canada

The latitude of Annapolis Royal Lighthouse is 44.744350, and the longitude is -65.519956. Annapolis Royal Lighthouse is located in Annapolis Royal, Canada with the gps coordinates of 44° 44' 39.66'' N and 65° 31' 11.8416'' W. The category of Annapolis Royal Lighthouse is Lighthouses.

When you want to travel, you can view the local satellite map, book hotels and check shopping information near Annapolis Royal Lighthouse in advance for your travel.


Elevation5.823DMS Lat44° 44' 39.66'' N
DMS Lng65° 31' 11.8416'' WGeoHASHdxcqt13ydr7u6
UTM Zone20TUTM Easting300506.71869454
UTM Northing4957640.78774233Time ZoneAmerica/Moncton
CountryCanadaStateNova Scotia

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